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Baltimore Exotic Dancers

Celebrate a 30th Birthday Party in Baltimore Maryland

Baltimore is the biggest city in Maryland and a vital seaport on the wide estuary of the Patapsco River. Its location in American history was won in 1814, when British forces bombarded Fort McHenry for twenty-five hours without its surrender. The sight of the American flag still flying over the fort on the morning after the attack inspired Francisco Scotto Key Poem the Star-Spangled Banner, which became the content of the national anthem.
Here are best places to celebrate 30th birthday party in Baltimore Maryland with Baltimore exotic dancers:

Walters Art Museum

In a city with a more its share of amazing museums, the Walters Art Museum, placed in the Mount Vernon Cultural area, is a standout. This globally renowned institution is one of only a few museums worldwide to present a full history of art from the 3rd millennium BC to the early twenty centuries. Among its 1000s of treasures are a perfect collection of enamels, jewelry, ivories, and bronzes, and a big reserve of illuminated manuscripts and rare books.

National Aquarium

The most continually visited attraction in Baltimore is the National Aquarium, is a wonderful building overlooking the inner harbor. Exhibits in this big complex explore Atlantic and Pacific coral reefs, the open ocean atmosphere, a kelp forests, hidden sea life, Amazon river forests, life on the seashore, Australian aquatic life, and more. Of particular note is the Tropical Rain forests, a full atmosphere 5 stories high, where visitors can trip from the forest floor to the treetop canopy and view all types of frogs, birds, and a big range of bigger mammals, such as monkeys and sloths.

American Visionary Art Museum

Baltimore’s most strange art museum by far is the American visionary art Museum, which shows the work of self-taught artists from around the planet. This is not just a gallery of drawings and paintings, but a dynamic and frequently changing – celebration of the artistic spirit. Exhibits could contain sculptures made from fabric collages, toothpicks, intricate embroidery, costumes created for a neighborhood festival, folk art from around the planet, or art by people who are incarcerated.

Baltimore Museum of Art

The Baltimore Museum of Art is the biggest art museum in Maryland with art from around the planet, covering a board spectrum of styles and periods. The real collection contains the world’s biggest collection of works by Matisse. Other prominent artists contain Cezanne, Picasso, Andy Warhol and Van Gogh. Along with modern art, one of the nation’s most vital African collections, and remarkable collections of American sculptures, painting, and decorative arts.